Drummond Papingo – 19th of August.

The Drummond Papingo held on the 19th of August is the 8th anniversary of this event and the afternoon started very wet and windy. However, the archers of Kilwinning were undaunted by the poor weather conditions and shooting got underway with the first arrow being shot at 1:56pm. The archers shoot one at a time in turn, as we do at Kilwinning, and this year the first hit was by Jim Bilby, on the third round, with the 37th arrow.  The next hit was by Dave Tough, on the fourth round, with the 59th arrow.

At this point, the heavy rain started to subside, and the weather slowly improved, although the wind continued to be strong and gusty.

Grant Mclellan scored the next hit, on the fifth round, with the 62nd arrow. Grant struck again on the next round, with the 77tharrow. This meant it would now require three hits to beat him. Rosemary Frame got a hit, on the last round, with the 102nd arrow.

There were no further hits and the winners were as follows.

1st           Grant  Mclellan                 – Gold medal and the Drummond Silver Arrow.

2nd          Jim Bilby                             – Silver Medal

3rd          Dave Tough                        – Bronze Medal and Drummond rosette

4th          Rosemary Frame

The club offers its Thanks to Lady Jane Willoughby and Drummond Castle Estates for hosting this event and we look forward to returning next year to continue what is now becoming a tradition for this part of Scotland.

Grant being presented with the Drummond Silver Arrow.

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