School Work

We recently worked with the local school.  Here is the lovely feedback letter we received-

St. Anthony’s Primary School

Head Teacher: Shirley May Carr

Date:   4th June 2021

Dear Kilwinning Archers

We are writing to thank you for the unforgettable experience that you provided for us during the P7 activity week. We appreciate all of the work and effort that you put in to give us this opportunity. The Archery was really great fun and we loved how you took the time to explain the safety rules and how to shoot an arrow. We were amazed at how well we all managed to hit the target! Here are some of our thoughts from our time with you:

“Thank you for giving up your time to help us with activity week”

“My favourite activity was Archery by a mile!”

“Thank you for teaching us and letting us borrow your bow and arrows”

“Francis and the team were really funny and made it even more enjoyable”

We will leave primary school feeling that we have had the same opportunities as other school years. The memories we have will last a lifetime and for that we will always be grateful.

Yours sincerely

The boys and girls of Primary 7

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